Hi! I was an engineer who did a bunch of allopathic clinical shadowing and medical research who wanted to be a doctor.  My life took a bit of a detour into the world of medical device startups, and my health went off the road with it.

While getting to the bottom of my endometriosis and endless fatigue, I stumbled upon something called endocrine disrupters. I had always eaten healthy, and maybe recycled sometimes, but they were my gateway into really taking a look at how I lived and choosing evidence based practices (which some call crunchy) in my way of living.

You can find me here (sign up for emails to not miss a bit), at my insta @turning.crunchy, and if you’re local to me, you can also find me as the admin of Crunchy Moms of SE PA.

Through my eventual high-risk, traumatic pregnancy and birth journey into parenthood, I became a baby-wearing, co-sleeping, evidence-based medicine, cloth diapering, and more mama.  I’m also on a journey to become a midwife and help others on their journey to health.

I am currently a certified fertility doula, and working towards supportive certifications on journey towards midwifery. I operate from a holistic, but evidence based background helping individuals achieve their fertility goals physiologically or with physiological support.

I live on a mini farm in SE PA with my husband, son (2022), our dog Luna (2018), and chickens (2023).