The Safe 7
safe sleep, Sleep Brianna Wronko safe sleep, Sleep Brianna Wronko

The Safe 7

Cosleeping is practiced all around the world, giving mother and baby some much needed sleep. In America it is often condemned, due to the risk of SIDS, which includes sudden unexplained death (sadly not preventable no matter the sleeping surface), as well as suffocation (which can be prevented). The work of organizations and individuals like La Leche League and Dr. James McKenna have enabled co-sleeping to be practiced safely to the benefit of parents and baby.

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Sleep Training
Sleep Brianna Wronko Sleep Brianna Wronko

Sleep Training

Two little words that put excitement and fear into parents all over the world at once. A full 8 hours of restful sleep, alone, in my own bed. That sounds absolutely wonderful. I admit I spent the last two nights wondering if my kid was ever going to sleep again—teething and shots kept us up every hour, and tossing and turning in between. We woke up at 4:30 one day. But I remind myself it’s just for a time.

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